Welcome to Deal Gauge

Important Legal Information

The figures in this document are for informational purposes only.


The Screen Composers Guild of Canada (SCGC) is not a union, and these figures are not binding upon its members.


Composers are independent contractors and must decide for themselves how to set the fees they charge for their services.


Nothing in this document constitutes an agreement or understanding between composers concerning the fees they may offer for the same or similar services.


This document should not be considered a substitute for proper legal and/or business advice.


The SCGC recommends that all parties seek independent legal counsel and/or representation when approaching a negotiation.


This document and all information contained therein should always be read in full and not be taken or quoted out of context.


Your use of this site is governed by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


For further clarification regarding this document or any of the information contained within, please contact the SCGC.

The Screen Composers Guild of Canada (SCGC) is frequently asked by its members, and other organizations, for guidance regarding what constitutes a reasonable fee for the engagement of a screen composer. 

The information provided here has been taken from multiple organizations both in Canada and internationally, and has been taken from publicly available information and compiled for easy comparison.  The results are set out in this tool, and are intended to provide guidance to members and the Canadian screen community at large about the pricing of screen composers’ work. Each organization has their own caveats and disclaimers for the information presented here, and the SCGC highly recommends that users for this tool go directly to those parties in order to contextualize the rates presented. The use of this document and the fees described herein is not obligatory and contracting parties must make decisions regarding fees independent of others.

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